Sunday, 30 March 2014


In today’s lesson, i worked on making the background for my avatar and putting the avatar into the background. The main background i decided to use was an abandoned mental hospital room with a bed and three windows. The overall image was already black and white so i didn’t have to fiddle too much with the settings and make it look similar to my own image. I adjusted the brightness. I took 2 images to use in the windows as the windows in the original image weren’t what i wanted. One of them was a park and the other was a canal and trees. I used the free transform tool to resize and move the images to fit on top of the original windows. The two images worked together well and it looks like its from the same place. Then, i looked for a broken window on google as i couldn’t find any that i wanted to work with on flickr. Once i found what i wanted to use, i opened it on photoshop. to make the windows look as if they are each broken in different areas, i used the free transform tool to flip the window or rotate it. Doing this makes it look like i took three different images for the window when really, i only used 1. To finish off the image, i took an image of a dead man off google and put it near the window to make it look as if Erica had just finished her meal. 
left window 

middle and right window

main background

broken window

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