Monday, 18 August 2014

Clay Animation:
I liked this clip because it showed the actual character being made at first but then it also shows it being brought to life. Since it is supposed to be a children's tv show, an episode is shown with even more characters and props and how it is filmed and how each shot is taken. I would like to do something like this but it would make too much time and theres too much that needs to be precise especially if im working by mysel
Music wasn’t very good. Boring.
This one is my favourite out of all the ones I’ve seen today. It is a clay animation. At the start, it is obvious that camera is in a cardboard box which is a house. The window shows moving branches as it is windy so, they would’ve had to cut out a part of the cardboard box, and make what looks like a tree out of sticks and move it around per photo. I liked how they showed close-ups of the door opening and the sound effects were good too. The movements weren’t entirely smooth but i still found it effective this way. I also liked how when the man sat in front of the open window, the sound effects made it sound like it was windy and therefore his jumper was moving as the wind came. 
i thought this animation was annoying and irrelevant.
this animation was different to other animations I’ve seen today. there is a narrator telling a story while the characters are moving. I think they used photoshop and drawing to complete this animation.
i also find this animation interesting. It would have taken a lot of time to make as there were a lot of things that had to be moved at once in different frames. Istop Motion could be used to make something similar to this.
This animation was also interesting. I think that they filmed some of it in real life (where the humans where shown) and the rest was drawing and photoshop. 
As i was in the Philippines for the last few weeks of Term 2, i only got to show Mr. Andrews my story outline in this lesson. He thought that the story is commonly done and to be honest i thought it was too. So, i started brainstorming for the next few lessons and watched a few more animations. The ones that caught my eyes the most were the iPhone animations. Mr Andrews said that it needed to have a problem, and that problem needed to be solved. I then made another story outline according to what he said for an iPhone animation concept.

-Unlocks Phone
- puts a song on
- checks to see if there's any homework in notes. Zoom up on upper part of phone (time) its 9PM on a school night.
-Go on the Facebook app and type in something about how he has homework due and needs help
- Few friends comment, one suggests to download an app called iHomework.
- Downloads screenshot of questions onto the app and within only 5 minutes all the questions are solved.

That lesson, i also thought of what softwares i could use. I could've photoshopped all the apps or hand drew everything and cut out the actual screen part of the phone and just draw a few other home screens and slide that piece of paper on top of whichever home screen i need for the shot
In today’s lesson, i started thinking of ideas for my animation. 

I wanted to make a music video animation using photoshop and Istop motion.

I recently heard a song through one of my friends and got inspired by it. The song is All I want by Kodaline so i decided to plan my animation according to it.

 The story outline was: 

Girl goes missing, the police suspect that shes been abducted
Story of what actually happens to the girl with dramatic music. (she leaves to go to work and says bye to her husband. on her way back into her car a man takes her and drags her to his car)  
Song starts playing
Guy opens door because someone rings the doorbell. He looks happy because he thinks its her
 -Next frame is at night before he goes to sleep. He turns around and sees that she isn’t there and remembers shes gone all over again and starts crying
Song stops. The police find her body in a lake and dramatic music comes back on again.

In todays lesson, i watched a few youtube animations to get an idea of what type of animation i want to film. 

This is probably my favourite short animation that i’ve seen. In just less than 3 minutes a lifetime of a story was told. Stories like this are very common but I loved the way the person who made this added in voiceovers of a poem. The 2 different people talking (mum and daughter) added a nice touch to the whole animation and definitely helped with telling the story and making the story more appealing and enjoyable to watch.  I feel like for my animation I want to do something similar to this and I should maybe look for a few short poems to inspire me with a good idea. The way the animation was made is also something I would like to do. The paper cut-outs seem like they wouldn’t be too time consuming to do and I don’t have much time left to complete this task.

This video wasn’t as effective as the ‘’see you again’’ animation. The story was still alright but I felt like the voiceovers gave a better effect than just the slides with writing. But, this style can be used if you have no one to do the voiceovers or as a last minute thing rather than actually putting in effort to put the voiceovers together. The sound effects were one of the most effective things in this animation and I loved how everything moved smoothly.

This is a video I found about how to make a picture stop motion animation. I felt like it would help a lot because I want to do something similar to the ‘’see you again’’ clip and I was confused on how to do it at first but this is a much faster way of doing it rather than making 50 different cutouts of the same character but with different emotions.

I think that this animation looks cool but it didn’t appeal to me as much as other animations did because I personally like animations with a story behind them. I liked how the guy who made the stop motion put himself in it at one point.

Although this one didn’t really have an interesting story, I still enjoyed watching it and I thought it was interesting how she made it: it was very helpful how she made a behind the scenes video.