Monday, 18 August 2014

As i was in the Philippines for the last few weeks of Term 2, i only got to show Mr. Andrews my story outline in this lesson. He thought that the story is commonly done and to be honest i thought it was too. So, i started brainstorming for the next few lessons and watched a few more animations. The ones that caught my eyes the most were the iPhone animations. Mr Andrews said that it needed to have a problem, and that problem needed to be solved. I then made another story outline according to what he said for an iPhone animation concept.

-Unlocks Phone
- puts a song on
- checks to see if there's any homework in notes. Zoom up on upper part of phone (time) its 9PM on a school night.
-Go on the Facebook app and type in something about how he has homework due and needs help
- Few friends comment, one suggests to download an app called iHomework.
- Downloads screenshot of questions onto the app and within only 5 minutes all the questions are solved.

That lesson, i also thought of what softwares i could use. I could've photoshopped all the apps or hand drew everything and cut out the actual screen part of the phone and just draw a few other home screens and slide that piece of paper on top of whichever home screen i need for the shot

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